Saturday, September 29, 2018

Yemen research


1000 BC – Ancient trade routes, called Saba. (Yemen). Trade in Frankincense. (ABC Yemen timeline).

0000 – Jesus Christ was born and lived

520-525 – The Jewish conversion of Yusuf Dhu Nuwas, the King of Himyar, now called Yemen. Dhu Nuwar was ruler from 520 to 525. He made Judaism the state religion. (Converts to Judaism. Lawrence J Epstein UK US (c)2015).

527 – The Persians (Iran) took control of Saba.(Yemen). (ABC timeline Yemen).

897 – The Zayidi dynasty took power in north Yemen, a strict Islamic state until 1962. (ABC Yemen timeline).

1454 – The Kathirids took power in south Yemen, until 1967. (ABC Timeline Yemen).

1513 – Ottoman Turks took power. (ABC Yemen timeline).

1636 – Zayidis imams and the Ottoman occupation. (ABC Yemen timeline).

1839 – The British took over the port of Aden. Sheikh signed treaties with the British. (ABC Yemen timeline).

1839 – Aden was under British rule. (Internet Yemen timeline).

1869 – When the Suez canal opened in 1869 Yemen became a major refuelling port for the British. (Internet Yemen timeline).

1913-14 - Vivian Gabriel was knighted in 1937. 1940 to 1946. UK and US intel. Smuggling and slavery in Aden Yemen. Balichistan 19th century Aden base Trade. Imam Yahya Ottomans in Yemen. Slavery sold in the Gulf.  Politics 1914. (Most secret agent of empire. Taline ter Mirarian 2012).

1918 – The Ottoman empire dissolves and north Yemen gains independence. Ruled by Imam Yahya. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1948 – Imam Yahya is assassinated. His son Ahmad succeeds his father. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1962 – Iman Ahmad died, he was succeeded by his son, but army officers seized power. Set up Yemen Arab republic YAR. Sparking civil war between Royalists backed by Saudi Arabia and others backed by Egypt. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1 Sept 1965 – South Arabia (Yemen) British speaker of the State council was killed by Arab nationalists. Attempt to kill a British police superintendant in August. Two weeks later 7 British children were injured in a grenade attack at Aden airport terminal.

22 November 1966 – South Arabia (Yemen) DS-3 aircraft was blown up in midair by a luggage bomb. 28 people were killed.

1967-75 – Castro sent weapons to Cairo to the NLF in south Yemen. Cuban agents were sent on fact finding missions to north and south Yemen 1967-68.

1968-71 – Lev Alexayevich Bausin was a KGB agent in south Yemen 1968-71.

1968-75 – Several missions sent to south Yemen to support NLF FATAH Ismail both politically and military.

1971 – The Iran electronics industries IEI contacted the Texas based Emerson energy systems to repair TOW and FGM-77A dragon systems for Palestine and Yemen. (AT Schulz Buying secrets Iran Westview press 1989).

1972 – Border clashes between YAR and PDRY, ceasefire by Arab league. (Internet timeline Yemen).

27 June 1975 – In Germany Peter Lorenz was kidnapped in west Berlin by June the 2nd movement terrorists. The German government released the five terrorists who were allowed to fly to South Yemen.

1976-82 – The Aden (South Yemen) regime supported the Ethiopian officers commanded by Mengistu Haile Mariam. They sent Yemeni military units to support of the latter against Somalia aggression, and asking the Cubans to do the same. Cuba joined in first with a group of officers, headed by general Arnaldo Ochoa, a move followed later by deployment of larger Cuban forces against the Somali invasion. Also as part of the alliance with the Aden regime. Cuba granted some small scale support to the Dhofaris in their armed struggle against the monarchy in Oman.

1977-90 – South Yemen and the Stasi. The south Yemen secret police were set up and trained by the Stasi. It was there that the Stasi supplied Susanne Albrecht with false ID papers to enable her to enter Czech in 1980. Shared with the KGB, the east German Stasi had about 50 people in south Yemen until 1990. (Stasi files ©2003 A Glees).

1978 – Ali Abdallah Salem was made president of YAR. (Internet Timeline Yemen).

1979 – Fighting between YPR and PDRY (North and South), efforts to unite the two states. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1982 – The Soviets built and used a large naval facility in the peoples democratic republic of Yemen (south).

1982 – An earthquake killed 3,000 people. (Internet timeline Yemen).

13 Dec 1982 – A 6 earthquake killed 2,800 people. USGS historic world earthquakes.

1986 – Saeed M Badeeb. The Saudi Egyptian conflict over north Yemen 1962-70. Boulder Colo Crestview press Washington DC American Arab affairs council 1986.

1986 – Thousands of people were killed in political rivalry. Pres Ali Nasser Muhammad fled the country. Later sentenced to death for treason. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1989 – There was a Marxist Socialist Communist government in south Yemen. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright ©2006 US).

1990 – Unified republic of Yemen with Saleh as president. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1991 – Yemen opposed the US led action against Iraq in the Gulf war. Return of 800,000 Yemenis from Gulf Arab states. (Internet timeline Yemen).

1992 – al Qaeda and a 1992 bombing in Yemen and the training terrorists who shot down American helicopters in Somalia the same year. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright ©2006 US).

1992 – Food price riots in major towns. (Internet timeline Yemen).

December 1992 – Bombing of a hotel in Yemen that targeted US servicemen on their way to Somalia as part of a UN force.

29 December 1992 – A bomb explodes in a hotel in Aden where US troops had been staying, while en route to a humanitarian mission in Somalia. The bomb killed two Austrian tourists, the US soldiers had already left. Two Yemeni Muslim militants trained in Afghanistan were injured in the blast, and were later arrested. US intel agencies said that this was the first terrorist attack involving bin Laden and his associates.

29 Dec 1992 – A bomb exploded at the Movenpick hotel in Aden Yemen. Another bomb exploded in the parking lot of the Goldmohur hotel nearby. (The looming tower. Lawrence Wright (c)2006 US).

30 October 1997 – Yemini kidnappings. al-Shaif tribesmen kidnapped a US businessman near Sanaa. The tribesmen sought the release of two fellow tribesmen, who were arrested on smuggling charges, and several public works projects they claim the government promised them. They released the hostages on 27 November 1997.

1998 – The Yemeni parliament revised a law that set the minimum age of marriage at 15. The new ruling made girls marriage age much younger at age nine. (You cant read this book. Nick Cohen ©2012 UK).

1998 - 3 Nov 2002. CIA and USAF. Qaed Salim. al Harethi 6 planner of plots to bomb the USS Cole in Yemen in 1998. Assassination by drone. NSA cell phone pings. US ambassador to Yemen Edmund Hill. (Deep state. M Ambinder. 3 May 2013).

December 1999 – The CIA intercepted a phone conversation at a Yemini house, that was an al-Qaeda logistics centre. They learned about from Mohamed al-Owhali, who was convicted in the embassy bombing case. The house was owned by Ahmed al-Hada a Yemini citizen.

2000 – Fahad al-Quro, was arrested for his role in the 2000 USS Cole attack, he was a suspected bagman who carried money to fund a January 2000 meeting in Malaysia.

2000 - NSA Yemen acoustic collection platform not electronic. NSA Director Michael Hayden. Yemen, Afghanistan and Somalia. Track NSA the largest factory of secrets in the world. Fort Meade Maryland. Collected digital global for 60 years. Deep state communicatons Congress funded. (Deep state. M Abinder. DB Grady. 2013).

3 January 2000 – Attack on the USS the Sullivans fails. A cell of Yemeni terrorists try bombing the USS the Sullivans in Aden harbour, but failed when their overloaded skiff sank.

October 2000 – USS Cole attack in Yemen.

Oct 2000 – The US naval vessel USS Cole was damaged in a suicide attack in Aden, Blamed in al Qaeda. 17 US personel were killed. (Internet timeline Yemen).

Oct 2000 – A bomb exploded at the British embassy. Four Yemenis who are jailed, say they are in solidarity with Palestinians. (Internet Yemen timeline).

12 October 2000 – Attack on the USS Cole in Aden Yemen. A small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer USS Cole killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of bin Laden were suspected.

12 October 2000 – 17 US marines were killed and 38 injured in an attack on the destroyer USS Cole docked in the port of Aden Yemen. A year later the inquiry into the bombing continued.

12 October 2000 – The attack on the USS Cole was organised by al-Qaeda and suicide bombers Ibrahim al-Thawr and Abdullah al-Misawa.

12 October 2000 – Two suicide bombers attack the USS Cole while refuelling at a facility in Aden, killing 17 people.

12 October 2000 – Two men in a skiff pull alongside the American destroyer USS Cole. They detonate an explosive that rips through the hull and kills 17 US sailors. Yemeni authorities capture suspects. Among them is Tawfiq bin Atash former head of bin Laden’s bodyguards, who attended the 2000 meeting in Malaysia.

2001 – A small state of Saudi Arabia called Afar on the border of Yemen. The region which produced most of the 9/11 hijackers in 2001. (The Middle East ©2006 C Catherwood).

7 Jan 2001 – Blast at Yemen’s Socialist party building. BBC London UK. Socialist party office in Yemen.

Mid June 2001 – Attack on US embassy in Sana Yemen is thwarted by authorities.

No date – Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri Saudi national of Yemeni descent behind the bombing of the USS Cole. al Qaeda operations chief in the Arabian peninsula until his capture in 2002 had cells in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen.

Feb 2002 – Yemen expels more than 100 foreign Islamic scholars. British and French nationals. Anti terror and suspected al Qaeda members. (Internet Yemen timeline).

15 February 2002 - American and Yemeni officials discuss the possibility of deploying a small number of US special forces to Yemen, to find suspected terrorists who live or may have lived in Yemen.

1 March 2002 – US officials say that President Bush approved plans to send up to 100 US troops to Yemen to train the Yemeni military to fight terrorists.

Oct 2002 – The supertanker Limburg was badly damaged in an attack, blamed on al Qaeda, off the Yemeni coast. (Internet timeline Yemen).

6 October 2002 – A suicide attack on the French super tanker Limburg was staged by the Islamic army of the Abyan in Aden working with al-Qaeda.

6 October 2002 – An explosive laden boat rammed the French oil tanker Limburg which was anchored about 5 miles off al-Dhabbah Yemen. One person was killed and 4 wounded. Al-Qaeda was suspected.

3 November 2002 – The CIA fired an AGM-114 hellfire missile from a predator UAV at a vehicle carrying Abu Ali al-Harithi a suspected planner of the USS Cole attack. Also in the vehicle was Ahmed Hijazi a US citizen, both were killed.

April 2003 – The ten main suspects in the USS Cole bombing escape from custody in Aden. (Internet timeline Yemen).

March 2004 – Two militants suspected of bombing the USS Cole were re-arrested. (Internet timeline Yemen).

2007 - Metadata NSA 2007 John Yoo FISA names Afghanistan. Other intel not TSP. Historical data. A record kept in storage. Telecom records, emails, logs, scan registers, metadata and IP addresses. Yemen radio data, military intel targets. NSA stored communications act. (Deep state. M Abinder. DB Grady. 2013).

Jan 2009 – AQAP was founded in Jan 2009 as a merger between Yemeni and Saudi Arabian branches of al Qaeda. (Yahoo news. 10 Jan 2015).

28 Nov 2010 - Sec of state Hilary Clinton. Wiliam Burns and PJ Crowley. US UK Yemen. CTU a counter terror unit. Intel sharing on Yemen. 18 Feb 2010. Gen Ali Mamlouk gen intel Syria. Imad Mustapha ambasador to US. Syrian spy chief. Cablegate puzzle pieces. The espionage act. (Deep state. M Ambinder. DB Grady 2013).

2011 –  Said Kouachi aged 34 went to Yemen in 2011. He got training from al Qaeda. Yahoo news. 10 Jan 2015. AFP. Washington.

2011-2012 - JSOC, the law is murky. CIA covert action using JSOC 2012 Obama drone based missile strikes outside declared war zones. On 14 Oct 2011 Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in Yemen. 16 year old Abdulrahman and Awlaki died in a US strike, terrorism. He was a US citizen. (Deep state. M Abinder. DB Grady 2013).

30 Sept 2011 – Anwar al Awlaki died in a drone strike in al Jawf Yemen. He was born in the US. Al Qaeda. Linked to 9/11 and the Paris attack.

30 Sept 2011 - Vetted al Haramain cases. Sigint NSA. Kidnapping, rendition programs. targeting of US citizens UK USA. Jeppeson Dataplan kidnapping, rendition and torture. Outsourced, torture, kidnapping, rendition and sadism. Anwar al Awlaki a US born cleric in Yemen, was targeted. 30 Sept 2011 US drone targeted and killed al Awlaki in Yemen, a US cititzen. (Deep state. M Abinder. DB Grady. 2013).

25 Feb 2012 – al Qaeda suicide bombing kills at least 26 people in Yemen. (Chch Star NZ. Today in history 25 Feb 2015).

10 June 2014 – Influx of African refugees to Yemen. Illegal migrants from Africa, Smuggling of Africans to Yemen. 70 to 100 a day. 500,000 from 2006 to 2013. One million people. Illegal migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia, Rapes and terrorism. Yemen news agency. Saba. Abdullah Bakhash. Sanaa.

1 Aug 2014 – Yemen repatriates eight Saudi al Qaeda members. Arab news Jeddah. Saudi Arabia.

15 Aug 2014 – al Qaeda in Yemen calls for attacks on the US. Al Jazeera America. AQAP.

19 Aug 2014 – AQAP and ISIC. Yemen Times. Sana.a al Qaeda in the Arab peninsula AQAP. Al Manbar website of AQAP.

20 Aug 2014 – al Qaeda in Yemen, solidarity with Muslims. AQAP ISIS. CNS news.

2 Oct 2014 – YSP top choice for PM. Yemen Times Sana. The Yemen Socialist party. Amat Al-Alin Alsonwa, PM.

16 Oct 2014 – al Qaeda south Yemen. Cihan news agency, CNA.

29 Oct 2014 – The US and the west are faced with a unified Jihadist threat that has the capacity, in the history of terrorism, Yemen the key to this. The Fiscal Times Reuters.

31 Oct 2014 – Yemen Socialist party, unions, new government. Yemen Post.

20 Nov 2014 – Ottoman scripts added to digitised library in Yemen. World Bulletin. Sanaa 20,000 works, digital library.

11 Dec 2014 – AQAP hints at terror threat in new video. Pjmedia, AQAP media al Malaham.

13 Dec 2014 – Yemeni troops kill Saudi al Qaeda members, who were dressed as women. FARS news agency.

6 Jan 2015 – Slavery exists in Yemen. Yemen Times Sanaa. Its Illegal, according to Yemen’s penal code. Slavery exists in many parts of Yemen today.

8 Jan 2015 – A car bomb kills 37 people at a police academy in Sanaa. 3news NZ. 66 people were wounded, a terrorist bombing, al Qaeda suspected.

8 Jan 2015 – A car bomb explodes outside a police college in Yemen. Jenifer Post. Sanaa, killing and wounding dozens of people. Al Qaeda suspected.

10 Jan 2015 – al Qaeda in Yemen urges Jihad. Yahoo news.

10 Jan 2015 – Yahoo search. Samir Khan was connected to Anwar al Awlaki of al Qaeda AQAP in Yemen.

12 Jan 2015 – Human trafficking slavery. Africa news service. Ethiopian women as property are sold for $US 2,000 in Yemen. The purchase of a women and her children, she and her children are property slaves.

13 Jan 2015 – Were the Paris attacks the first case of al Qaeda and ISIS working together. Independent UK.

15 Jan 2015 – Five Yemenis have been released from Guantanamo bay. Five were captured in Pakistan and held in the US as suspected al Qaeda fighters. Men in their 30s and 40s. One was 17 years old. Agency Tunis Afrique Press.

15 Jan 2015 – Five Yemenis have been released from Gitmo, prisoners transferred. 122 remain. Cannot ensure they wont join al Qaeda. CNN.

17 Jan 2015 – Yemen detains two Frenchmen as al Qaeda suspects. Al jazeera America. There are 1,000 al al Qaeda militants in Yemen from 11 Arab and non Arab countries.

18 Jan 2015 – Shiite rebels abduct Yemen’s president’s chief of staff. Abduction of Yemen’s president’s chief of staff in Sanaa. CNN.

21 Jan 2015 – Yemen is at risk of fragmenting, a danger to the US. New York Times. Robert F Worth.

22 Jan 2015 - Yemen chaos threatens White House anti terror campaign. Stephen Collins. CNN.

22 Jan 2015 – Saudi Arabia’s nightmare is now unfolding in Yemen. Yemen Houthi. Khaled Abdullah Ali al Mahdi, presidential palace in Sanaa Yemen was taken over by Iran backed Shiite rebels.

22 Jan 2016 – Yemen falls into Iran’s orbit as the region is caught asleep. Risk for sea traffic for Israel and other countries in the Arabian peninsula. Jerusalem Post.

22 Jan 2015 – al Qaeda uses Snowden leaks to avoid surveillance. Whaleoil blog.

23 Jan 2015 – Yemen coup is trouble for the Jewish community in Sanaa. Jerusalem Post.

23 Jan 2015 – Yemen crisis. Yemen is the poorest of the Arab countries. BBC UK.

23 Jan 2015 – US fears chaos as govt of Yemen falls. New York Times.

25 Jan 2015 – US anti terror ops suspended in Yemen. VOA.

25 Jan 2015 – You will see al Qaeda’s ranks swell. Yemen crisis, says US navy seal Scott Taylor. Fox news.

20 March 2015 – At least 46 people were killed and hundreds of people were injured in the attacks on two mosques. Suicide bombings. In Sanaa on Friday, causing chaos. Fighting between Sunnis and Shiites. Fox news.

28 June 2015 – Yemeni Houthis attack an oil refinery in Aden. Houthi forces fired missiles at an Aden oil refinery, starting a large fire in the southern Yemen port city. Reuters. Yahoo Maktoob news.

19 Oct 2015 – UNICEF says that 537,000 Yemeni children are at risk of malnutrition. Twitter. RT.

5 Nov 2015 – 40,000 people have been made homeless after cyclone Chapala hit Yemen. Rob Verger. Vice news.

10 Nov 2015 – 400 more troops from Sudan are in Yemen. AFP. Yahoo news.

16 Dec 2015 – Yemen truce in danger of collapse. Prisoner swap blocked. Reuters. Mohammed Makhashaf.

17 Dec 2015 – UN talks Yemen aid deliveries using volunteers. Cities of Taiz and Sanaa. Whio news. AP.

7 Jan 2016 – Saudi led coalition bombs Yemen's al Noor center for care of the blind in Sanaa. Three people were reported wounded. Sputnik.

14 Feb 2016 -

12 June 2016 – British Red Coss. People are living on one piece of bread a day. Food prices high, scarce resources. Struggling to find enough food to survive. Starving to death. The Guardian UK.

6 July 2016 – Haaretz. Twitter. Double suicide bombing in Aden Yemen. At least 6 soldiers were killed.

30 Oct 2016 - Twitter. RT. End times alert. At least 45 people kiled by Saudi led airstrike at Yemen jail. Inmates Houthi. Yemen port city of Hodeidah.

30 Oct 2016 - Twitter. Newsztor anonymous. WHO cholera infections in Yemen. More than 1,410 epidemic, mainly in Taizz, Aden, Lahj, Hudaydah and Sanaa.

9 Nov 2016 - Twitter. Newsztor. US Saudi warplanes bomb Sanaa, target al-Hafa and Nokem residential areas, east of the capital. Anonymous.

16 Nov 2016 - Yahoo news. Yemen war raises questions of Saudi war crimes. AP video.

10 Dec 2016 - Twitter. News 2 Tor. 11 Dec 2016. Yemen. Saudi artillery, attacked civilian homes Serwah. District of Marib. 10 Dec 2016.

11 Dec 2016 - G+. Brass tack. A suicide bomber kills 45 people in Aden Yemen.

3 March 2017 - Yemen oil refineries. RT. UAE troops. Marib Yemen. Reuters. France company Total. Ops in Kharkhir. Theft for Saudi Arabia.

18 March 2017 - Stuff. At least 31 Saudi refugees killed. Raid off Yemen coast, a helicopter. UNHCR. Going from Yemen to Sudan. Apache helicopters.

31 March 2017 - Stuff. UNICEF NZ. Malnourished in Yemen. The health system collapsed. Vaccines for polio in Yemen. 40,000 vaccines UNICEF. 5 million children and polio vaccines. Ahmed Ahmed Abdullah. vials of polio vaccine. Gas cylinders were used to power a generator too keep vaccines cold. March 2015 fuel shortages in village of Alanaf.

15 April 2017 - South Yemen, Saudi led coalition.

5 May 2017 - Yemen babies 1950s. Sold to US. Haaretz. Yemen citizen ... abducted. on WIZO.

23 May 2017 - WHO reports a 50% rise in Yemen cholera cases. Press TV. 35,217 cases of cholera since 27 April when the cholera started. Nevio Zagaria WHO rep in Yemen. 242 people killed by cholera. 25,500 cases in the last 3 weeks. Cholera and contaminated water. Yemen state of emeregency over cholera. The war on Yemen has killed over 12,000 Yemenis, wounded thousands more. Cholera was spread deliberately from the air. Azal medical center Dr Yahya al Hamdani said. Sprayed toxic gas from the air. Yousra Sourani a doctor.

25 May 2017 - Ben Norton. Alertnet. Grayzone project. Latest raid killed more civilians in Yemen. US made ... the Pentagon. Bloodbath. 5 civilians killed and 6 wounded. Reuters.

15 June 2017 - Houthis, Saudi vessel off Yemen coast. AC Masirah TV. Port of Mocha. South

21 June 2017 - Saudi genocide cruelty in Yemen. Youtube. Killed starved. 25 Feb 2017. Humanity.

22 June 2017 - AP. Southern Yemen secret ... UAE ... US interrogation. Maggie Michael Mukalla. Yemen ... grill human rights. 18 clandestine lockups.

23 June 2017 - Top US ally runs secret torture prisons in Yemen. PRI. Stephen Snyder. Secret prisons in Yemen. Electric shocks, forced nudity, sex harassment and sleep deprivation. Human rights watch. Torture. Kristine Beckerle in Yemen . AP. UAE.

24 June 2017 - Network of torture. NZ Herald. Blacksites torture, UAE run in Yemen. Secret jails. US UAE torture interrogations. Mukalla. AP. Disappeared into a secret network of jails in southern Yemen, torture. US interrogation of detainees in Yemen, violations of int law. Torture. 18 clandestine lockups. UAE. Military bases and ports, villages. An Emirati base Red sea in Eritrea. Torture in jail in Yemen. 2,000 men disappeared into clandestine jails, torture war crimes.

24 June 2017 - US Senators ask US military to clarify US role in Yemens torture. AP. Desmond Butler. Maggie Michael. UAE US military interrogation torture in Yemen. Network of secret jails in southern Yemen. Hundreds of al Qaeda held without charge UAE and al Qaeda. FOIA US records related to interrogations. 18 jails run by UAE ... airport Mukalla blindfolded.

24 June 2017 - RT. Yemens ousted govt pledges to probe alleged torture in jails run by UAE. Sanaa. Khaled Abdullah. Reuters. UAE running a network of secret jails that torture prisoners. 2015 govt overthrew. Saudi blockade Yemen.

24 June 2017 - Famine and cholera attack Yemen. Alternative. Before its news.

26 June 2017 - G+. Griffin Walker. Yemen is facing the worst cholera outbreak in the world. UN WHO. RT.

26 June 2017 - UN 1,310 dead in Yemen cholera epidemic since April 2017. UN 300,000 people could be infected by end of 2017. al jazeera. WHO ... 200,000 ... children, cholera kills one person an hour.

20 July 2017 - New massacre in Saada. Southfront. Russian humanitarian aid reaches Sanaa. 22 civilians died in al Muzaa ... in Saada air strike by Saudi Arabia. UN.

2 Aug 2017 - Biological warfare. US and Saudi Arabia. Cholera kills Yemenis. David Icke. Andrew Cheethem.

9 Aug 2017 - US and UAE troops invade Southern Yemen, occupy oil field. Telesur TV.

9 Aug 2017 - G+. Kafka Winston world wars. US boots in Yemen. Globalist Saudi coalition. The new American.

11 Aug 2017 - G+. Brass tack. Hard real news. Refugees Yemen smugglers threw 280 Ethiopian and Somali migrants age 16 into the sea to drown. Cholera in Yemen. UN. Smugglers threw 280 migrants into the sea off Yemen.

23 Sept 2017 - UN chief urges world leaders to end Yemen conflict. al Jazeera.

23 Sept 2017 - Inside Yemens secret jails screaming on the grill. Maggie Michael.

26 Sept 2017 - Saudi Arabia no inquiry on Yemen atrocities. New York Times.

2 Oct 2017 - US military drone shot down in Yemen. Ryan Browne.

2 Oct 2017 - Press TV. Yemenis shoot down a US drone in capital Sanaa. Photo.

4 Oct 2017 - Reuters. Draft UN blacklist names Saudi coalition for killig children in Yemen. Michelle Nichols.

4 Oct 2017 - Control of food. No justice, 7 milloin starving Yemenis. al Jazeera. Famine war crimes in Yemen.

3 Nov 2017 - 900,000 cholera cases in Yemen. Human wrongs watch.

5 Nov 2017 - RT. Saudi prince on official ... killed in helicopter crash in Yemen. Saudi led coalition to close all Yemen. RT.

7 Nov 2017 - PressTV. UN, Red cross urge Saudi led coalition to reopen aid into Yemen. Yemen, air and sea ports. UN.

7 Nov 2017 - PressTV. Saudi Arabia bans ex Yemen Pres from returning home.

10 Nov 2017 - Saudi siege on Yemen, hundreds will die within a week. Taisal Edroos.

15 Dec 2017 - Netral Eaisk. Saudi led  ... aircraft kill 12 Yemen children.

24 Dec 2017 - Saudi led coalition airstrikes kill 10 people in Yemen, 25 wounded. . NZ Herald. Sanaa. AP.

8 Jan 2018 - Saudi warplane crashes in Yemen, pilots escape. al Jazeera.

9 Jan 2018 - PressTV. Yemens Houthis release video. F-15 downing of a Saudi fighter jet over Sanaa. Yemens Houthi Ansarukah movement. Houthi run al Masirah TV . Surface to air missiles hit over Yemens capital Sanaa.

9 June 2018 - Red cross pulls 71 foreign staff workers out of Yemen, security risks.

15 July 2018 -  A 6.2 earthquake off Yemen. USGS.

10 Aug 2018 - Radio Live NZ. 5am. Yemen air strike hit a school bus. 29 children were killed and 30 wounded. Saudis responsible. So many recent attacks on civilians in Yemen. Saudi led coalition.

28 Sept 2018 -

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