Nazi extremist enemies
Threatening to do the same crimes they did before, as cruel and unusual punishments, they have no right. They do crimes, deny them and blame victims. So when they threaten to do the same crimes again, it s a confession, of the crimes the did and denied before. No more crimes. Rape slavery, torture, worse than waterboarding, trying to turn you into a vegetable, banned from communicating, reading or writing. Horror. kidnapping, arrested without charge, forced associations/marriages to their gang mates, totally against my will, not my life, as a punishment, they have no right. ID theft fraud. Rape slavery. Invasions of privacy. They are Nazi extremists without a party.
The government does not pay them as government workers to do these horror crimes. The horror crimes they try and deny, yet threaten to do again, are part of their Nazi agenda. Their Nazi laws dont apply in New Zealand. Real laws, real crimes and real victims do apply. Its about time someone enforced the laws of the land, not Nazi extremist agendas. Wanting to stay alive, telling the truth is not crazy or a crime, so why the cruel and extreme punishments? I have no tatoos, I have never been to jail. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. Thats what I do, whatever else is happening. Read, write, research and blog. These Nazis say that in my 56 years of doing this, that it should all be destroyed, im not allowed to make a will, the less say I have in my own life, they say, the better. We dont recognize you as a human being. You dont qualify for human rights. As far as im concerned they have no right to dictate?
At 10 Cecil place, Waltham, Christchurch, New Zealand. Today and for the last few months these sadistic Nazis have been telling lies and slander. Victim blaming. Threatening to do the same crimes again. Im being forced out of Christchurch by these Nazi extremists and their pawns. I am going to get my privacy back, my basic human rights back and my life back. Its got nothing to do with them or their mates, it never did and never will. Their crimes are sadistic horror. Ive never been willing to be a victim of their horror and I never lied about it. I refuse to lie now. No means no. Real crimes, real laws and real victims. Not Nazi laws which should not apply or be enforced in New Zealand.
You are forced to the point of death, do or die, you just want to stay alive, you want your life back, your basic human rights back. Its a limbo state, not a relationship or a job. The minimum wage is not zero. Just because my research, history, manuscripts and skills are not Nazi, they say they are no good and should be destroyed. That is not basic human rights. As far as I am concerned they have no right to prevent me from communicating, reading, writing and researching. They have no right to ban me from most Internet sites. They have no right to torture me so severely and turn me into a vegetable, then force me into a horror situation with their gang mates. Not my life. Not my politics. I dont know any gang members, they dont know me. They are not interested in me either. I am not going to lie. I have never been willing to be raped or tortured. I didnt lie about it before and im not going to lie now. Politically motivated hate crimes.
The people who do the crimes have government jobs, they should not have. They are Nazi extremists with their own laws and own agendas. I have been calling for new laws, to make framing people up illegal and to outlaw and ban Nazi extremism. These two laws might give the real elected government more clout to deal with these, wanna be state within a state Nazi extremists.
Mike Chron and Milton Weir were two Christchurch police who were sacked. They did these types of horror crimes to me. It was not my decision to sack them. Someone else made that decision. Im hoping to become a candidate in the Internet party, which i am a member of. I am moving to Invercargill from Christchurch. Well away from these Nazi extermist enemies.
The sadistic Nazis at 10 Cecil place, Waltham, Christchurch, New Zealand are threatening to kidnap me again, torture me, worse than a terrorist at Guantanamo. If someone tortured a terrorist or murderer that bad, there would be an outcry. Arrested for being too cruel and jailed. Lies and slander are not excuses to be above the law and get away with horror crimes. They may as well call for the laws to be abolished, so they get away with the sadism disorder things they want to do.
Right now, these enemies at 10 Cecil place, Waltham, Christchurch, New Zealand are yelling threats to torture, horrors they could not do to a terrorist or a murderer. It should be my choice what I do with my research and writing. Not my worst enemies choice. Its my body, my life, my home and my work. None of my enemies business. They have no right to invade my privacy and threaten horrors. Sadistic horror is how I describe their crimes and threats. Political violence. Hate crimes. I vote within the system. They dont. They dont have a party. They have no right to dictate to me or anyone else.
I have the right to get my privacy back, my life back, my basic human rights back. I have the right to communicate, read, write, research and blog for the rest of my life and my enemies have no right to stop me. They dont recognize me as a human being. I dont recognize Nazi laws in New Zealand. Rape slavery and forced associations should not be used as cruel and unusual punishments. The state within a state Nazi extremism should be dismantled. They tap the phone of the privacy commissioner. They tell the human rights commission not to speak out or act on anything. They lie and slander, victim blame constantly.
New Zealand has the highest rate, by far, of youth suicide in the world. Worse than a war zone. There is a direct link between these Nazi extremists and youth suicide. When I refused to kill myself they punished me by cutting of my tax number. Which made me temporarily stateless and internally displaced. I was born in New Zealand. The myth is that this only happens to people from overseas. If its a crime to pay $1 less than the minimum wage, then its a crime to ban people from working, volunteering, or further education. Minimum wage zero is not ok, its not legal? There is plenty of things you can do if your allowed to. No means no.
I am not going to lie. They may be able to rape and torture me but forcing me to lie is a bit harder. Wanting to stay alive and wanting your life back, basic human rights back is not crazy or a crime. Basic human rights is a main issue. What are you being, busy. A woman has 3 jobs, 10 hobbies and 5 kids, what is she being? Busy. BBB for bullshit to the Nazis. Everyone goes to school to learn how to read and write, tell the kids that when they grow up if we dont like your politics we will ban you from reading and writing. Thats not human rights. That should not be legal. If a terrorist or murderer has the basic human rights, to read and write, then so should me and kids in New Zealand. Torture, like a vegetable, which prevents you from reading and writing is an obliteration of basic human rights. Should be banned. To cruel. Political violence. When people who are not within the system politically, no party, are imposing these laws and punishments, its wrong. They have no right.
These Nazi extremists dont have free speech or opinions. They gave up on that a long time ago. They use lies and slander as excuses to get away with horror crimes. Their policy is to do crimes, deny it and blame victims. Even ISIS have a better policy than that. Claim responsibility for their crimes. Trouble is when the Nazis threaten to do the same crimes again, they confess what they had earlier denied. Put their foot in their own mess. I dont have a problem with nasty opinions or free speech. its the violence and extreme force of their horrors I have a problem with.
Facts, truth, proof and evidence is something these Nazis say is a conspiracy theory, crazy. They think lies and slander is normal. Compulsive lying is normal according to Nazis. These Nazis stand out as being different, compared to everyone else. Its not what they wear or look like. Its their ideas and attitudes. Basic human rights is the main issue. Everyone is human and everyone has basic human rights. These Nazis oppose that view strongly. Nothing to do with religion. They consent on your behalf, totally against your will. They think on your behalf like this too. Weird and threatening. More lies and excuses they use to get away with crimes.
Calling for new laws, one to ban framing people up and one to make Nazi extremism illegal. Help give the government some clout to deal with these Nazis. Especially those with government jobs, they should not have. These Nazis would ban the talk back radio before they would ban the gangs. They, the gangs, are our mates, we use them to frame people up with. We cant have ordinary people telling other whats going on.
Whether these Nazi extremists are next door, in Rangiora, America, Ukraine, Latvia or Germany. They are enemies to me. Imagine whole army of them.
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